We currently only work on Chrome. We will expand to other browsers such as Firefox, Edge and more.

Yes! We value your privacy as much as you do.

What you read or where you browse on the web is only for you to know.

We don’t store what websites  you go on, link any of your web browsing history to personally identifiable information, collect passwords, or show you ads. Our company respects and protects your privacy.

Currently we only work on English websites to help people learn ASL. We’ll be releasing more sign languages soon!

Not yet, but we are working on developing a mobile version of Signspaces.

If you see a word that you’ve verified is translated wrong in the context of the sentence you saw it inplease report the word as incorrect. You can do that by emailing [email protected].

We’re working as hard as we can to make Signspaces 100% accurate all the timebut sometimes the computer will make a mistake. By reporting it, you can help make Signspaces better for everyone. Thank you ♡.

First of all, sorry about that! We’re a small team working as fast as we canbut since Signspaces works on almost any site on the internet, we often run into bugs that we couldn’t see on our end.

If you see any, please email [email protected]  and include the following info:

  • Which browser do you use?
  • Which website did you see the bug on?
  • Describe the bug in as much detail as you can, If you have videos or photos include them please.
  • Was it just once or have you seen this bug more than once?
  • Are you on Windows or Mac? If you knowwhat specs does your computer have? (ex: 2017 Macbook Pro, 8gb ram)
  1. Open Signspaces Chrome extension
  2. Click “Settings”
  3. Click “Manage subscription”
  4. Click on “Cancel plan”

Yes, we do have a free plan where you can:

  • Learn words in ASL
  • Automatic translations
  • Sign synonyms
  • Pause Signspaces anytime

You will get everything from the free plan (learn words in ASL, automatic translations, sign synonyms, and pause Signspaces anytime) as well as premium features:

  • Learn sentences in ASL
  • Save words and sentences
  • Remove words you don’t want to study
  • Keep track of what you have learned
You can try free for 14 days and see if you want to continue learning with us.
Deaf-Owned Business
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